The process time varies from time to time, depending on how many packages have been returned to our warehouse. The processing time is usually longer during campaigns.
Returns and claims will be processed within 14 days since the package has been delivered to our warehouse.
If you have made a return or claim using the consignment note, you will receive an automatic information regarding your return/claim process. You can also see your tracking information by logging into your Intersport Club-account.
If you have returned the package using different methods, you have received a receipt with the tracking code for your return parcel, that you can track using the transport companies online tracking services.
We will send an e-mail when your return/claim has been processed and refunded/or when your exchange item has been sent on its way.
Depending on your choice of payment method, the refund will be paid within 1 to 7 business days after your return/claim has been processed. If you have changed the product, it will be sent on its way on the same day or the next bank day.